Back to Basics: How to Ask the Right Questions to Solve Any Problem

Ebun Akindele-Alonge
3 min readFeb 12, 2024


We all want to create awesome products and solve real-life challenges, but sometimes we get stuck. We jump to solutions before understanding the root cause, like trying to fix a flat tire without knowing what punctured it.

That’s why I’m excited to introduce you to my “Back to Basics” series, packed with simple tools to supercharge your problem-solving skills. Today’s weapon of choice? The 5Ws & H — an ancient (but seriously effective) set of questions used by everyone from journalists to detectives, and guess what? They work wonders for product managers and tech folks like us!

Think of the 5Ws & H as your problem-solving detectives. They help you uncover any situation’s “who, what, why, where, when, and how,” leading you to clear answers and more innovative solutions.

Have you ever been frustrated by a slow, buggy app? Let’s put the 5Ws & H to work:

  • Who: Our users, the online shoppers trying to snag that limited-edition sneaker before it disappears.
  • What: The app crashes during checkout, leaving them fuming and empty-handed.
  • Where: On their phones, their lifeline to getting things done while on the go.
  • When: Right at the crucial moment when they tap “Place Order.”
  • Why: Because the server overload can’t handle the peak traffic.
  • How: By beefing up our server capacity and optimizing checkout flow, we can create a smoother, faster experience for happy shoppers.

See how those questions peeled back the layers of the problem? Now, we can craft a solution that fixes the cause, not just slapping a bandage on the symptom.

The beauty of the 5Ws & H is their versatility. Use them to pinpoint customer pain points, brainstorm ingenious fixes, and even measure the success of your solutions. They’re like a Swiss Army knife for problem-solving, adaptable to any situation.

Remember that time you spent weeks building a feature nobody used? Don’t let that happen again! Ask the 5Ws & H before you code a single line. Who needs this feature? Why? Will it solve a real problem? By answering these questions upfront, you save time and resources and avoid building shiny bells and whistles nobody cares about.

So, unleash your inner detective, grab your trusty 5Ws & H, and start confidently tackling those problems. Remember, the right questions lead to the best solutions. And, hey, if you get stuck, drop me a line! I’m always happy to help fellow problem-solvers on their journey to success.

Want to see the 5Ws & H in action, along with more problem-solving hacks and case studies?

Dive deeper into the “Back to Basics” series by subscribing to my newsletter and following me on social media! I’m dropping valuable tips and tricks on LinkedIn, Twitter, and Instagram. As a special thank you for joining the community, I’ll give you exclusive access to a downloadable 5Ws & H template you can use at work or for any problem-solving need. It’s like having your problem-solving toolkit right at your fingertips! Let’s turn frustration into innovation together!”

Until next time, happy questioning and happy solving.



Ebun Akindele-Alonge

I build teams, products, and systems that solve the right problems for the right people! Coach | Instructor | Speaker. Founder - MakeMeAGuru