How AI Can Supercharge Your Agile Workflow

Ebun Akindele-Alonge
3 min readFeb 8, 2024


Remember the days when the biggest sprint challenge was finding enough coffee? Well, buckle up, scrum teams, because the future of agile just got a whole lot more…robotic. Generative AI, the tech world’s shiny new toy, is no longer a distant sci-fi trope; it’s ready to move into your agile apartment and become your digital roommate. But before you panic about being replaced by a silicon savant, let’s explore how this collaboration can supercharge your work, not steal your job.

AI as the Supercharged Scrum Assistant:

Imagine a world where:

User stories are pre-populated with wireframes and mockups based on your initial ideas, thanks to AI’s uncanny ability to translate your scribbles into visual magic.

Sprint backlogs are automatically prioritized and optimized, saving precious hours of debate and analysis.

Daily stand-ups become brainstorming sessions on steroids as AI generates creative solutions to your most pressing roadblocks.

Sounds like a dream, right? It’s not. These are just a few examples of how generative AI can become your agile co-pilot, amplifying your human strengths and streamlining your workflow.

humans and a robot working in collaborating in front of a laptop. background is a conference room with other humans working at their desks.
image generated by DALL-E 3

Building Trust with Your Robot Roommate:

But like any good roommate, AI needs some ground rules to avoid misunderstandings. Here’s how scrum teams can foster a culture of responsible AI collaboration:

Transparency is key: Be clear about AI’s capabilities and limitations. Don’t expect it to be a silver bullet; it’s a powerful tool, not a magic wand.

Human oversight is the captain of the ship: AI thrives with guidance. Set boundaries, define ethical parameters, and ensure human oversight to prevent bias and maintain control.

Communication is the bridge: Treat AI as a collaborator, not a black box. Learn how to frame queries and provide clear instructions. After all, you wouldn’t expect your roommate to understand mumbled instructions over a coffee mug, would you?

Monitoring and Evaluating AI’s Output:

Just like you wouldn’t let your roommate cook without checking the smoke detectors, monitoring AI’s output is crucial. Here’s how:

Test and validate AI outputs: Don’t blindly trust everything the machine spits out. Test and validate its suggestions, just as you would any other team member’s work.

Track the impact of AI integration: Measure the impact of AI on your team’s efficiency, effectiveness, and overall happiness. Is it saving time? Sparking creativity? If not, it’s time to adjust your collaboration strategy.

Foster continuous learning: As AI evolves, so should your team. Stay curious, keep learning, and adapt your skills to complement the AI’s capabilities. Think of it as upskilling your whole apartment, not just yourself.

The Future of Scrum is Human-AI Harmony:

By building trust, communication, and collaboration, scrum teams and AI can create a powerful synergy. Remember, the future of work isn’t about humans vs. machines; it’s about humans and machines together, making magic happen. So, embrace your robot roommate, set some ground rules, and get ready to experience scrum in a new light.

This is just the beginning of our exploration of human-AI collaboration in agile environments. Follow for more insights, practical tips, and real-world examples of how scrum teams are using AI to conquer their sprints and rewrite the future of work.



Ebun Akindele-Alonge

I build teams, products, and systems that solve the right problems for the right people! Coach | Instructor | Speaker. Founder - MakeMeAGuru