How to Avoid Being Replaced by Generative AI

Ebun Akindele-Alonge
2 min readJan 24, 2024


AI Can’t Replace Your Curiosity (Or Your Career)

The buzz around generative AI is getting louder, promising to automate tasks and transform industries. But for aspiring tech professionals, it’s easy to get caught up in the fear of obsolescence. Here’s the truth:

AI isn’t here to replace you. It’s here to enhance the uniquely human skills that make you irreplaceable.

A robot playing the piano
Photo by Possessed Photography on Unsplash

Here are the skills that will keep you ahead of the curve:

Unrelenting Curiosity: AI can process data, but human curiosity drives innovation. Keep asking “why” and seeking new perspectives. That’s how you uncover game-changing ideas and push the boundaries of tech.

Empathy at Scale: Tech isn’t just about building tools; it’s about understanding the people who use them. Cultivate empathy to design solutions that meet real human needs and make a meaningful impact.

Critical Thinking Over Code: The ability to analyze problems, make ethical decisions, and navigate complex scenarios surpasses any algorithm. These skills are essential for guiding responsible AI development and ensuring tech serves the greater good.

Here’s how you can embrace AI as an ally:

Harness AI for repetitive tasks: Free up your time and energy for higher-level thinking and creative problem-solving.

Collaborate with AI for deeper insights: Combine your expertise with AI’s analytical power to uncover patterns, generate new ideas, and make more informed decisions.

Focus on human-centered design: Remember that technology is strongest when it empowers people. Prioritize empathy and ethical considerations in every project.

Tech professionals who embrace these skills will not only survive the AI revolution but thrive in it. Stay tuned for more insights on navigating this exciting landscape and building a future-proof tech career.



Ebun Akindele-Alonge

I build teams, products, and systems that solve the right problems for the right people! Coach | Instructor | Speaker. Founder - MakeMeAGuru